Sunday, February 21, 2010

Beautiful Spring Morning

We have had an unusually cold winter here in South Texas.  The coldest I can remember, which is really OK with me.  But this morning dawned sunny, warm and full of promise of what's to come.  The weather is supposed to turn cold again tomorrow and into next week so I decided to head outside this morning and take in the warmth and sunshine before retreating indoors next week.

I walked around the property this morning and was thrilled at what I discovered:  bluebonnet seedlings!



You already know how I feel about seedlings but I was super excited to find bluebonnet seedlings on the property.  In the fall of 2004, I scattered three large bags of wildflower seeds over the hillside and all over the property, up by the house.  The following summer began our three year drought and we've not had much in the way of wildflowers the past few years.  Our South Texas drought ended this fall/winter and this will be the first year we have bluebonnets in the spring landscape.  That makes me very happy :)

The bluebonnet, Lupinus Texensis, is the State flower of Texas and it is beautiful and intoxicatingly fragrant. Typically they cover the hillsides in the spring and are a sure sign that winter is almost over.  The flowers have beautiful dark blue, upper petals with white spot at the base.  Bluebonnets are usually the first of the wildflowers to appear in the spring but walking around the property this morning, I discovered a few other tiny wildflowers popping up through the grass and weeds.  Not sure what these are, but I was thrilled to see them blooming!



And yes, the bees are still at it in the greenhouse :)






I have a lot to do today, but was so happy I took the time to walk around and enjoy the sunshine, warm air and early signs of spring.  You just never know what you're going to see until you really take the time to look.

I hope you have a blessed day :)

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