Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lil' Break's been such a busy summer!

I was gone the first part of August visiting my daughter-in-law and grandson while my son is deployed; and then I was not home but two days when my other son, his wife and my granddaughter came to visit! 

I sure got my grandbaby fix this month and loved (loved!) every second of it :)

I'm now in catch up mode.  I'm gonna take a short break from my blog to regroup, catch up and try to salvage what's left of my garden in this relentless, record-breaking heat spell South Texas has been experiencing.  I've lived in Texas for more than 30 years and I've never (Ever!) experienced a summer like this one. 

On a good note, I've got cantaloupe ripe and ready to pick!

Cantaloupe gelato anyone? :)


  1. Come back soon! We will be looking forward to seeing you back in action!

  2. Have a nice break! Glad you had a nice trip with the family.

  3. You're right, I've been here almost as long and I don't recall anything as wicked as this summer! I'm looking for subtle signs of fall and praying for has to come sooner or later. Enjoy your break!

  4. Break deserved after this crazy weather. I feel so bad for you Texas gardeners. Hope the rains come and wash away the heat.

  5. I hope and pray you and your family are safe from the fires!

  6. Please hurry back! We miss you and your yummy recipes and gorgeous garden inspiration. - Kelsey
